If something should happen to you, the last thing you want your family to be worrying about is money. Family protection plans are designed to financially protect...
When it comes to our health, there can be no discounts, no mediocre solutions, and no postponements. Even with the introduction of the General Health System (GHS) ...
Life is full of unpredictable events and unstable situations that often affect our lives, goals, dreams and plans for the future. That’s why having an investment & savings plan in place...
After many years of hard work and sacrifices, you start thinking about all the different things you want to do when your retirement comes.
We know that accidents happen every day at anytime and anywhere. Even the most careful people can accidently get injured and at the best-case scenario they are left exposed...
Building a successful business requires the investment of both significant amounts of money and countless hours of hard work and sacrifices.
Businesses usually undergo a risk assessment when they first start their business and then they get stuck for many years with the same insurance...
In todays’ fast-paced business world, any professional can make mistakes that may harm a third party, but it does not mean that those mistakes must be the end...
Potential damage or even total destruction of your movable and immovable assets can have direct financial and emotional consequences to you, your family, and your business.